Thursday, December 20, 2007


We don't need no stinkin' toys. Mitchell has 2 bins full of fabulous blocks, stacky things, noise makers, & blinking lights, but what does he REALLY want to play with? The kitchen cabinets and their many many contents. He has just recently gotten VERY good at unscrewing any cap, no matter how tight you thought you put it on. He is iron man. His shining moment? When he got a hold of the chocolate ice cream topping. Oh Yeah, our boy knew it was good stuff.....

Muuuuaah. Heres a chocolate kiss for ya.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oh What Fun....

it is to tile, and tile and tile away, HEY!!
Our goal is to be in our place by Christmas, so while others are out frolicking in the shopping malls and Hobnobbing at parties, we work and work and work! Marc is now tiling the Kitchen floor and it is looking Fabulous! But no peeking (pictures) until Christmas! Well, maybe we will have some pics up before then, but not tonight.....
I do have to say it has been fun to expend my nesting instincts by cutting tile...