Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Carpet....

Here is the before..... (it really didn't look too bad, but it was old, old, old, and an ugly brown)And here is Mitchell enjoying his new closet- after! (he was rolling around on it!)

We still need to put the baseboard trim down, then it is all done!! We went back to the grandparent's house and celebrated with a cup of coffee!

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Work In Progress

As promised, here are the pics of the bathroom as it sits right now- gutted with some tile! Marc will have to make a trip to the handy tile cutters at the hardware store to finish it off, but it is coming along! By the way, recognize the tub? When I first saw it in it's original state (see previous post) I thought we were going to have to replace it becuase the enamel was clearly stained/ruined. Upon closer examination, we realized it was just soap scum. Grayish blackish soap scum.


More progress later- the carpet gets installed in the rooms on Tuedsay!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Our New Bathroom!

Brace yourselves, for what you are about to see is not for the faint of heart... We now have occupancy of our side of our new house- a duplex where we rent one side and live in the other. So we go in knowing we will be doing a little remodeling.... BUT CHECK OUT THIS BATHTUB!!! Can you imagine bathing in this?!?!

Just so you know at the time of this post the bathroom is completely gutted (I will post pics shortly) and believe it or not, the tub was salvageable! You will see it in its restored glory soon. Marc has been working like a mad man to get it done before Thanksgiving and plans to install the tile floor tonight.... Stay tuned for some more before and after pictures!

-The Deem 3.5